Presentation Guidelines

Please do not make your talk a sales pitch. Such an approach will not meet with approval from the delegates and previous years have shown this has caused annoyance. They would be far more engaged with talks that showcase innovation.

Presentation title, abstract and speaker details are in order and submitted as soon as possible to Jane Bunclark. Fast submission helps craft our online agenda early, providing you with longer exposure.

All speaker presentations should be supported by a PowerPoint or PDF slide deck. Slide decks will need to be submitted by the 3rd April 2024, however we would be most grateful to receive this earlier to prevent any last-minute chasing.

Slide deck aspect ratio is 16:9.

Presentations are allocated either 15-20 minutes. We won't be able to confirm the length of your talk until nearer the event when all agendas are published online. As there may be questions from the audience at the end, how much time you wish dedicate to speaking in your time allocation, will need to be a consideration.

Unless you specify otherwise, your presentation slide deck will be made available as a download to all delegates post-event.

You are welcome to submit a modified slide deck for distribution post-event if:

  • You wish to incorporate extra data.
  • The original event slide deck contains sensitive information prohibited for wider distribution
Jane Bunclark
Marketing Manager
+44 (0)2476 718 978